Audrey Sniezek Makes a Difference in Lee County

by Yasmeen

10 October 2012
Audrey with coworkers and Miguel

Some people have a knack for finding creative ways to bring about positive change. Audrey Sniezek is working with Microsoft to bring technology education to Lee County High School. As part of the TEALS (Technology Education And Literacy in Schools) program, students will have the opportunity to learn about computer programming from online courses taught by Microsoft employees. At the same time, their teachers will be learning how to teach the courses, so that in the future, they can take over and continue the classes with next year's students.

students attending an online computer class

Upon graduation, students will have opportunities to intern with Microsoft, and to potentially begin careers in the tech industry that will allow them to work remotely — or perhaps to return to their school as teachers in technology education, and make the same difference in the next generation's lives that Audrey is helping to facilitate in theirs. :)

The RRGCC applauds the initiative Audrey has taken to give back to the community in which she loves spending her time. Please visit Audrey’s blog and check out the KY School Boards Association's article on the topic for more details.