6.24 RRGCC Newsletter: 2024 IS IN FULL SWING


It’s hard to believe we are almost halfway through 2024 already! The RRGCC staff and volunteers have been extremely diligent in completing our many trail days, organizing events, updating the membership program, applying for grants, and much more that often goes unnoticed. And the fun is just getting started! With JATD, Rocktoberfest, and many other exciting achievements on the horizon, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we also have much to look forward to. Thank you to all of our members, volunteers, and supporters for bolstering our efforts and giving back to the community!   

-Jake Ellis
RRGCC BOD President

Your membership plays a vital role in the stewardship of the land!


All pets must be leashed on all RRGCC property, PMRP, BRRP, MFRP, and Foxtown.
The RRGCC’s mission is to secure and protect open, public access to rock climbing in the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky and promote environmental conservation on the lands where we climb.


Chica Bonita: The Ohio State University roughed in the connector trail over to Cheaper Than a Movie, finished the approach trail to come into the middle of the rock house, and started an additional terrace layer below Cheaper Than a Movie. 
The Monastery: Following the American Chestnut Foundation’s recommendations for planting, eight All-American Chestnut trees were planted by Audrey Gale-Dyer at the Monastery. The American Chesnut Foundation is hoping these trees will be blight-resistant. So far, the trees are thriving.
Secret Garden: The rock terrace under Secret Garden slabs and the spur trail on the right side was finished by the Access Fund during their staff retreat.
Monastery: Multiple layers of terracing under the 5.10s at Monastery were put in by Mosaic climbing
Nursery: Rock work building a new terrace layer at the Nursery was done by UC Mountaineering Club 
Unlode: MadTree Brewing cut a new connector trail 
Additions to the Office, Nursery, Flat Hollow were completed with our EKU intern


 See all projects for JATD here: https://rrgcc.org/johnny-alex-trail-day/

June 2 – Forest Service CleanupThis year the RRGCC is working with the Forest Service to do two cleanups in the Indian Creek area of the North Gorge. These cleanups will take place on June 2nd and November 3rd. If you would like to sign up for these cleanups, email Curtis at Curtis.rogers@rrgcc.org
June 6-9 – Trail Skills WorkshopAccess Fund Conservation Team will be leading a Trails Skills Workshop in RRG.The AF Team will be leading participants on how to identify solutions to address major use patterns and mitigate climber impacts through the use of dry-stone masonry and volunteer resources.TRAIL SKILLS WORKSHOP
Multiple Dates in June Adopt-A-Crag with the Access FundThe team will work on improving the staging areas at Chaos in the Miller Fork Recreational Preserve. We will need help with quarrying stone and bringing it to the worksite to build retaining structures at the base of the cliff. Adopt-A-Crag
July 13, Aug. 10,  and Aug 31,  MadTree Summer Trail SeriesThat’s right, nothing better than a tasty beer and a full belly after a hard days work. MadTree is sponsoring 3 RRGCC trail days. Coffee and donuts to start the day and beer and dinner at Hop’s to end it. That’s good day. Sign up here:  MADTREE SUMMER TRAIL SERIES

Climber Stewards

In March, we announced the launch of the spring Red River Gorge Climber Stewards by welcoming Chris and Greta! Chris and Greta have hosted crag chats and handed out free coffee every weekend since the start of April but their term recently ended on June 2nd. We hope everyone was able to meet them and benefit from their intimate knowledge of the Red River Gorge! Thank you Chris and Greta for being here and thank you Access Fund for partnering with us!
JATD: June 22
Don’t forget to sign up for JATD on June 22nd ! This event would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers! Please consider volunteering for this event and to the organization you love in order to help us continue our mission of  promoting conservation of the environment on the lands where we climb.
Recently listed as a top climbing festival you need to attend this year by Climbing Magazine. We would argue it is the best climbing festival of the year, but we all agree. The date is set. Mark your calendar, request off work, hire a babysitter, reserve your campsite or cabin, do what you must, and we will see you in October! REGISTRATION COMING SOON
See ongoing dates here:  https://rrgcc.org/climb-l8/

Events Recap


We’re super pumped about this year’s Red In A Day. Only in its second year, this competition is taking off! We had more sponsors, prizes, competitors, and it all went off without a hitch! Congrats to all that competed. Winner highlights:
SPEED RECORD: With an impressive 2hrs 53 min, team Crag Sluts crushed lasted year’s time of 3:41
#SPONSORED: Winning overall points, team Muffin Men, climbing 20 5.12’s, 2 5.13’s, and the rest 5.11
SLAYDIES: The women making up team Onion Googles were on fire, but their eyes were not!.
TRAD DADS: These guys were on a mission completing all 31 trad pitches. Congrats Fixed Nuts! 
DOLT RUN: Team Pleiad did 4 5.13s as part of their 11 Dolt Run pitches
PADAWANS: Won by team 5.15 Fiends. Watch out for these talented youngsters!
STONE MASTERS: Won by FlatLander on Walls Can’t win if you don’t show up. Way to show up and finish 31 pitches!
BEST DRESSED: (Or least dressed) Winners Sloppy Thongs. You can imagine.
CHOSSANEERS: Climbing the 31 of the lowest rated routs in the red, chasing choss, good work, team REDACTED


The RRGCC partnered with West Sixth  for a month long celebration. RRGCC was West Sixth’s Sixth for a Cause partner for the month of May. We kicked things off with a makers market at West Sixth Farm sponsored by Quest Outdoors. All month long West Sixth made a donation to the RRGCC for every Skybridge Pale Ale sold. On May 30th we closed the month with a doubble feature movie night, showing THE ILLNESS and GONE TOMORROW by Mike Wilkinson. Thanks so much to all that came out!


Working with DBNF

Long standing, good relationships, take work. Working with DBNFLong standing, good relationships, take work. The RRGCC started in 1996 with climbers coming together and working with the Forest Service to keep climbing open. That relationship continues to grow today.  RRGCC BOD members have an on going bi-weekly meeting with members of the  DBNF to address issues and ways to work together. Recently ED Billy Simek, BOD member Curtis Rogers, and volunteer Mike Wilkinson did a cleanup of Hens Nest, an area in the North gorge. Relationship with FS is all about maintaining good standing with the landowners of the Forest, which includes a ton of climbing areas. This also shows that climbers are good stewards and a favorable user group, which we hope to benefit projects down the line with possible infrastructure and access improvements.

Access Secured!

A win for climbing access!  If you haven’t heard, the Ventura family purchased the Beer Trailer property, and access to climbing at the Beer Trailer will remain open!Working to open public accessThe process for increasing public access to climbing is sometimes years and even decades in the making. A lot of works goes into building relationships with private land owners and community partners. Acres of land need to be hiked and photographed, land needs to be measured and surveyed. Deeds in this area are old and can be unclear or have conflicting information. All of this takes a lot of time and phone calls and inperson meetings. While nothing is guaranteed until the legal documents are signed, the Access Committee is in the final stages of establishing a recreational access easement from a private landowner to open over 100 acres to new route development and eventual public climbing access. 

Not an RRGCC Member?


Our membership program continues to grow.  If you haven’t seen the new swag, this year’s shirt is blue and white. New this  year, Tier 3 swag ($125 or $10 recurring monthly)  will recieve a hoody.Recently,  we’ve added a new member sponsor. The Hideaway cabins have offered 10% off to all RRGCC members. Check out their cabin listings https://thehideaways.co/  

Grants and Fundraising

The RRGCC is always looking for grants and fundraising opportunities. These grants range from land management and environmental clean up to education and outreach. This year we have applied for Access Fund’s JEDI grant, USDA Community Forest Program Grant, and others. Recently the RRGCC applied for the Kentucky Waterways Alliance Watershed Grant with the hopes of receiving funds to assist with controlling erosion and improving the water quality of Hell Creek. Unfortunately, we did not win this grant, but the committees are hard at work looking for additional opportunities! 
 After cutting his teeth climbing and developing routes in Red Rock while living and working in Las Vegas, Mike quit his job and moved to Kentucky to enjoy the steep Corbin Sandstone.  Mike quickly got involved with the local climbing community and served on the Board of Directors and as Treasurer of Friends of Muir Valley.  Mike is now helping out the RRGCC the Access & Acquisitions Committee helping navigate potential land acquisitions as well as bolting and route development best practices. Thank you for all the work you do Mike!
 Audrey was nominated for her continued support and dedication to the RRGCC! Audrey has been a large part in many RRGCC land management efforts, which go back many years and an Access Fund Advocacy Award. So, there is no surprise that she was nominated for a volunteer spotlight, however most recently she acquired and planted eight All-American Chestnut trees at the Monastery crag to promote native plant species in the area and provide structure to the soil  Thank you, Audrey!

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