Newsletter / December 2023

Bix Young's photo_ Guernica_The Gallery

Photo by Biz Young

2023 is coming to an end!

We hired a Marketing Director, Rocktoberfest was a huge success, and we are wrapping up 2023 with more exciting news! Read more about GOING BIG with our potential Ashland Inc. land acquisition!

Please welcome, Emily Bruns!

The RRGCC is always working hard to grow as an organization and after years of work, we are excited to say that we have hired our second employee! We are honored to have Emily Bruns join the RRGCC as our new Marketing Director! Emily has a great understanding of the Red River Gorge, climbing, and comes from a background in teaching and marketing. The RRGCC is lucky to have her and if you see her out at the crag, please say hi!

Give something BIG this year!


Your contribution goes to protecting and conserving climbing areas in Red River Gorge. Yeah, that's BIG but, your donation doesn't have to be. Give a one time donation or become a monthly member and donate just $5 a month.  There's a little gift from us at every membership level. So, get your climbing partners, parents, significant other, and even that person at the gym that belayed you that one time, an RRGCC membership this holiday season! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

Yearly RRGCC Memberships at $35, $65, or $125

Monthly Recurring Memberships starting at $5, $10, or more

Rocktoberfest 2023 was a great success!

Rocktoberfest 2023 was not only the most attended and most profitable event yet, but also the smoothest this weekend has ever ran in the last decade. We had approximately 700 folks come through on Friday and about 825 on Saturday, not to mention all of our fabulous 100+ volunteers over the course of the weekend. Thank you all for making the time in your packed Fall schedules to come out to our little corner of eastern Kentucky!

We couldn't have done it without our amazing sponsors and partners! We are excited to make it even bigger and better next year!


Rebolt The Red Day!

The RRG Fixed Gear Initiative (FGI) hosted Rebolt the Red Day 2023 on September 9th, 2023 and it was a great success! 40+ volunteers were able to replace 200 bolts on 30+ routes, and Climb Tech Anchor (Mussy) Hooks were added to over 30 routes in various crags in the Red River Gorge. Routes were updated with all Stainless Steel Glue In bolts provided by RRG Fixed Gear Initiative and the American Safe Climbing Association. In addition to all the new bolts and anchors dozens of spinners and worn permadraws were fixed up. Thank you all that spent your time, energy, and money to improve the hardware in the Red River Gorge!


The RRGCC joined the Access Fund for the 2023 Advocacy Conference in Bentonville, Arkansas!

On November 11th and 12th, the RRGCC’s Executive Director and land managers, along with the land manager from Muir Valley attended the Access Fund Advocacy Conference in Bentonville, Arkansas. A meeting of climbing advocates from all across the country to learn what other Local Climbing Organization’s (LCO) are doing in their regions and network among this core group of climbing access volunteers and professionals.

The team attended panels, seminars, and had many discussions with other LCOs on ways to improve the sport and environment, which we hope to use at our own crags for years to come. To top off a great weekend, our very own land managers, Curtis and Audrey Gale-Dyer, received a 2022 Access Fund Advocacy Award for their tireless work on all of our properties! If you see them out at the crag or doing trail work, be sure to thank them!!



November 28th - Giving Tuesday Please consider the RRGCC as your Giving Tuesday recipient!

December 1st -The Illness Film showing at Sky Bridge Station! 

December 15th - Climbers That Care ends on 12/15 so get your donations in before then!

April 12-13, 2024 - RIAD is back! Mark you calendars and stay tuned for more details!



The RRGCC’s Access and Acquisition committee has been hard at work, trying our best to stay on top of any and all possible land acquisitions opportunities. While there are many things that go unseen, the RRGCC now needs your help! We have an opportunity to secure public access to miles and miles of cliff line found on property currently owned by the Ashland Inc. BUT…WE CAN’T DO IT ALONE! ⁠


We have identified $2,301,000 through loan programs, partner funds and donations. We are working with a number of nonprofits and government agencies to raise funds. Keep in mind, this property will likely go for $7- 10 Million. Fundraising is still in progress. We need MEGA DONORS and PARTNERS in purchase.⁠

Our strategies:⁠

  1. Bid on select areas with cliff line and highest conservation value. Using RRGCC cash, Federal funds and loan programs.⁠
  2. Make bids with committed partners, where partners get targeted land and the RRGCC gets targeted land.⁠


To learn more about this opportunity, check out a recent podcast episode our Vice President, Jereme Ransick, did with Kris Hampton on the Power Company Climbing podcast!


Have a great winter season!

Do you have photos on RRGCC  property that you want to share? Tag @rrgcc and use #RRGCC2023 and we will share it!

Are you interested in hosting a trivia night or tap take over in your area? Email us at