Hammocks & drones are not permitted on RRGCC properties. All pets must be leashed.

See our FAQ page for more information.

On January 20, 2004, the RRGCC purchased the Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve (PMRP), a 700 acre tract of land. Realizing the fragility of access to climbing on private land in the Red River Gorge area, the Murray Property was identified by the RRGCC as containing a significant amount of existing climbing routes with a number of quality cliffs. The purchase of the PMRP is important because it secures access to an area containing over 623 existing climbing routes. In short, “if we own it, they can’t close it!”

In the following years, the land has been developed for public enjoyment through the creation of hiking paths, mountain biking trails, and of course more rock climbing. July 15, 2012 marked the final payment of the property, now renamed the Pendergrass-Murray Recreational Preserve. The land will forever remain open to climbing.

Related links:

  • Please sign a RRGCC waiver before visiting
  • KNOW your location in case of an emergency at the BRRP/PMRP - know the road you are on, not just the crag you are at. Call 911. Ambulance map & driving directions.
  • Check out maps of the property here.
  • FAQs include questions/answers about the PMRP.
  • Ray Ellington’s Red River Gorge South guidebook, with more info on BRRP & PMRP routes and crags than you can imagine – and the publisher is donating a percentage of the profits to the RRGCC!
  • Ray Ellington’s online guidebook, which contains listings of PMRP routes and crags.